Anna Gwenllian

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Recent sketches // Brasluniau diweddar

I'm trying to sketch more often now, for two reasons, exercise and because it's relaxing! The top one I did a couple of days ago, and the bottom one I did a couple of months ago but I realised I hadn't put it up here! I have other sketches of course, but I don't think they're very good! But that's the good thing about sketching, not every piece has to be good/perfect :)
I've been working on something for the past few weeks, and I've nearly finished, so I'm looking forward to showing that! This afternoon I'm going to take a mini break from it and do some more sketching and drawing using more watercolours!
Dwi'n trio sgetsho fwy aml rwan, am dau reswm, ymarfer a achos mae'n ffordd dda i ymlacio! Nes i'r un top cwpwl o ddyddiau yn ol, a yr un gwaelod cwpwl o fisoedd yn ol ond nes i sylwi mod i heb rhoi o fyny yma! Gen i brasluniau erill hefyd wrth gwrs, ond dwi'm yn meddwl bod nhw'n dda iawn! Ond hynna di'r peth da am sgetsho, di pob darn ddim yn goro bod yn dda/perffaith :)
Dwi di bod yn gweithio ar wbeth dros yr wythnosa dwetha a bron a gorffen, so dwi'n edrych ymlaen i ddangos hwnna! Pnawn ma dwi am gymyd brec bach ohona fo i neud chydig o sgetsho a llunio yn defnydio mwy o dyfrlliwiau!
Hwyl x