New Blodeuwedd t-shirts st Lotti&Wren

Crysau-t Blodeuwedd nol mewn stoc yn Lotti & Wren (Caernarfon) rwan, a lliwiau newydd! Wedi’i brintio’n lleol gen Peris & Corr 🫶🏻🌸

📸 gan Lotti&Wren

Blodeuwedd t-shirts back in stock in Lotti & Wren now, and available in new colours! Printed locally by Peris & Corr 🫶🏻🌸

📸 by Lotti&Wren

💒Einir & Terry💒

💒Einir & Terry💒


Dyma ddarn comisiwn ar gyfer anrheg priodas nes i nol yn 2022💕

Here’s a commissioned wedding present I made in 2022💕

For more information on commissions, email me on

#illustration #priodas #presantpriodas #anrhegpriodas #wedding #weddinggift #art #celf #cymru #cymraeg #wales #welsh

Commissioned piece: illustrated poem for a newborn

Dyma darn comisiwn englyn nes i darlunio chydig yn ol, fel anrheg babi newydd. Dwi di bod yn rili mwynhau creu y darnau darlunio o amgylch cerddi (ai hynna ydi’r geirfa cywir?!) a ma genai fwy i rannu efo chi yn fuan hefyd ❤️

Here’s a commissioned englyn (Welsh traditional poem) piece I illustrated recently, as a newborn gift. I’ve been really enjoying creating these illustrated poetry surrounds (is that the correct wording?!) and I have a few more to share with you soon too ❤️

#illustration #newborn #newbaby #gift #celf #cymraeg #englyn #welsh #art

Palm House commissioned piece

🌴palm house🌴

*english below*

dwi heb rannu llawer o gomisiynau dwi di bod yn gweithio ar dros fan hyn ers hir, a gena fi dipyn o backlog! felly meddwl bod hi’n hen bryd fi dechra rhannu nhw ar fan hyn. Os dachi efo diddordeb mewn comisiwn, ebostiwch fi am fwy o wybodaeth ar 😊


i haven’t shared much of my commissioned work up on here in a while, and I have a bit of a backlog by now! so I thought it was about time to start sharing some on here. If you’re interested in a commissioned piece, email me on for more information 😊

#illustration #art #artwork #cymru #cymraeg #wales #wesh #celf #darlunydd #darlunwyr

Mae’r Nadolig ar y ffordd🎅🏼 Christmas is on its way🎄

Sut wyt ti? Mae’r Nadolig ar y ffordd, felly onin meddwl fyswn i’n rhannu cwpwl o bethau newydd a Nadoligaidd sydd gena i ar gael, a hefyd rhannu syniadau ar gyfer anrhegion Nadolig a stocking fillers! Grabiwch banad a mwynhewch y blog post Nadoligaidd yma…

How are you? Christmas is on its way so I thought I’d share a couple of new and Christmassy items I have, and also share some Christmas gift ideas with you. So grab a panad and enjoy my little Christmassy blog post…

Roedd y tags yma yn boblogaidd dros ben blwyddyn diwethaf hefyd… Mae nhw wedi ei neud o stoc cerdyn wedi’i ailgylchu, a dwi wedi mynd am gortyn o well ansawdd tro yma, un 100% twine jute naturiol… rili lyfli! Pecyn cymysg o 4 ydyn nhw, efo dyluniad: carw, robin goch, arth wen, a pengwin!🎄Archebwch YMA!

These gift tags were so popular last year too… They’re made from recycled card stock, and I’ve updated the string it had to a beautiful more rustic 100% twine natural jute… really lovely! They’re a mix pack of 4, with these designs: stag, robin, polar bear, and a penguin! 🎄Purchase HERE!

Yn cario ‘mlaen efo’r un thema, mae genai’r cardiau Nadolig Cymraeg yn ol! Wedi’i neud o stoc cerdyn wedi’i ailgylchu, mae gena i 6 dyluniad gwahanol ar gael, sef: carw, robin goch, arth wen, pengwin, sgwarnog, caban yn y goedwig. Ar gael fel un neu pecyn o 6, mae’n bosib hefyd i gael pecyn o 6 o cymysgedd o pob dyluniad, os dachi methu dewis un 😉 
Gwelwch y cardiau a’r holl gasgliad Nadolig YMA!

Keeping with the same theme, I have these Christmas cards back in stock! Made from recycled card stock, I have 6 designs to choose from: stag, robin, polar beaer, penguin, hare, cabin in the woods. Available as a single card or pack of 6, and also a mixed pack of 6 - one in each design - if you can’t choose just one 😉 
See all the cards available in the Christmas collection 

Syniadau anrhegion, i’r hosan nadolig, Santa cudd a mwy…
Gift ideas, for stocking fillers, secret Santa and more…

Mae’r tshirt unisex yma’n newydd y flwyddyn hon! Mae wedi gael ei screen-printio yn lleol efo incs eco-gyfeillgar, a mae’r tshirt ei hun yn climate neutral. Mae o hefyd mor feddal a lliw lyfli, efo fy narlun manwl i o Blodeuwedd 🌸 Steil a fit y tshirts yma ydi ‘mens regular’ ond os dachi ddim yn siwr, anfonwch neges i mi a mi nai helpu chi ffindio y fit perffaith! Archebwch YMA!

This unisex tshirt is new this year! It’s been locally screen-printed using eco-friendly inks, and the tshirt itself is climate neutral. It’s so soft and a beautiful colour, with my intricate illustration of Blodeuwedd 🌸 The style and fit of the tshirts is a ‘mens regular’ but if you’re unsure on size, send me a message and I’ll help you find the perfect fit! Purchase HERE!

Aberaeron print
from £9.00

Ma’r prints bach A5 yma yn gallu neud gymaint o wahaniath i wal, bwrdd ochr, neu silff, ac ar ben hynny - ma nhw’n bris rhesymol am dim ond £9! 😉🎅🏼

These A5 sized small prints can make a big imact to a wall, side table, or shelf, and on top of that - they’re only £9! 😉🎅🏼

…Wbeth bach arall sy’n berffaith fel anrheg hosan Nadolig neu Santa cudd ydi’r llyfrau Nodiadau hynod del yma! Mae nhw wedi’i neud o bapur a cerdyn wedi’i ailgylchu hefyd ♻️

… Another little something that’s a perfect stocking filler or secret Santa gift are these really pretty notebooks! They’re made from recycled paper and card stock♻️

A dyna ni am tro yma, diolch am ddarllen fyny at fama - tan tro nesa ☺️

And that’s it for this time, thank you for reading up to here - until the next time ☺️

New print!

Peace Dove - Colomen Heddwch by Anna Gwenllian

I have a new print in my shop - click HERE to view!

Also... There will be more NEW additions to the shop coming soon. Follow me on instagram (@annagwenllian) and Facebook for more updates :)


Updated shop!

Anna Gwenllian Etsy Shop front

Wedi diweddaru fy siop, iei! Oedd angen newid a'i wella ers dipyn. Oedd dipyn o fy mhrints efo lluniau ac arddull gwahanol i pob un, a doeddwn i'm yn hapus efo r'un ohonyn nhw, felly oedd o'n amser i'w wella a dacluso. Dwi'n meddwl bod o lawer gwell rwan, yn glir a plaen fel bod y prints ar eitemau ydi'r canolbwynt. Cliciwch yma i ymweld a'r siop i weld yr edrychiad newydd, a mae cwpwl o eitemau newydd fyny yno hefyd!
I've update my shop, yipee! It was long overdue, a lot of my prints had different photos / and different style photos for each listing, and I wasn't happy with them, so it was time for a little update. I think it's much better now, just clean and clear so the focus is on the prints and items. Click here to visit my shop to see the new updated look, plus a couple of new items up there as well! 

Priodas - Ffion & Tudor - Wedding

wedding invitation gwahoddiad priodas Anna Gwenllian

I recently was asked to create some wedding stationery for a couple, and here is the invitation I made. I've created a 'Wedding' page on my website (see above or click here!) with all of the photos for you to see, but I thought I'd quickly blog it anyway! I really enjoyed creating these, it was so much fun and lovely to be involved in their special day. If you're interested for me to create a personal and unique wedding stationery for you, get in touch with me on the 'Contact' page above, I'd love to hear from you :)

Gildas - Paid â deud

Gildas Paid a Deud clawr cover artwork Anna Gwenllian

Nes i neud y darn celf i'r clawr albwm yma gen Gildas waaa! Ddim yn siwr sut i ddechrau'r post yma so o'n i'n meddwl 'swni'n jympio syth i fewn. Dwi'n hapus iawn efo sut ma hwn di troi allan a mae'r albwm i hun werth ei glywed felly cerwch allan i'w brynnu, a mae o ar gael ar iTunes hefyd!


I created the artwork for this album by Gildas waaa! I didn't really know how to start this post so thought I'd get straight to the point. I'm so happy with how it's turned out and the album itself is brilliant. It came out on 25th May, and is available on iTunes as well, so go buy it and have a listen!