Anna Gwenllian

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Comisiwn newydd a'i ddatblygiad // New commission and its progress

Dwi'n rili hapus efo sut mae'r comisiwn yma wedi troi allan. Dwi'n licio y font gwahanol a fel bod o mwy laid back rhywsut efo lle mae'r sgwennu a petha! On i'n meddwl fyswni'n dangos datblygiad y comisiwn hwn o'r dechrau i'r darn terfynol wedi'i fframio. Gobeithio bod chi'n licio!

p.s. Diwrnod o blaen nath siop etsy fi (cliciwch yma!) gael dros cant ymwelydd mewn diwrnod, a nes i werthu tri eitem o fewn 24 awr! Ella di hynna ddim yn swnio'n lot i rhai, ond mae o'n lot i fi!

Os ydach chi efo diddordeb mewn comisiwn, croeso i chi anfon neges ata fi am fwy o wybodaeth :)


I'm really happy with how this commission has turned out. I like the different font used and it seems more laid back somehow with how the text is placed and stuff! I thought I'd show my progress of this commission from beginning to end with it framed. I hope you like it!

p.s. The other day my etsy shop (click here!) received over a hundred visitors in a day, and I also sold three items within 24 hours! Maybe that doesn't seem like a lot to some, but it is to me!

If you're interested in a commission, feel free to message me for more information :)

Hwyl x