Anna Gwenllian

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Updated shop!

Wedi diweddaru fy siop, iei! Oedd angen newid a'i wella ers dipyn. Oedd dipyn o fy mhrints efo lluniau ac arddull gwahanol i pob un, a doeddwn i'm yn hapus efo r'un ohonyn nhw, felly oedd o'n amser i'w wella a dacluso. Dwi'n meddwl bod o lawer gwell rwan, yn glir a plaen fel bod y prints ar eitemau ydi'r canolbwynt. Cliciwch yma i ymweld a'r siop i weld yr edrychiad newydd, a mae cwpwl o eitemau newydd fyny yno hefyd!
I've update my shop, yipee! It was long overdue, a lot of my prints had different photos / and different style photos for each listing, and I wasn't happy with them, so it was time for a little update. I think it's much better now, just clean and clear so the focus is on the prints and items. Click here to visit my shop to see the new updated look, plus a couple of new items up there as well!