Anna Gwenllian

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Casgliad newydd - New collection 💖

Mae fy nghasgliad newydd o brints rwan fyny ar werth ar fy siop ar-lein - cliciwch fama! Dyma casgliad dwi di bod yn gweithio ar dros y blwyddyn diwethaf. Dwi di bod yn mynd yn ol a mlaen efo nhw (gan mod i ddim isho brysio efo nhw), a creu dipyn yn fy mraslyfr a defnyddio rhai o rheina i fynd mlaen efo'r darnau yma. Mi fyddai'n ychwanegu mwy fel fydd amser yn mynd ymlaen, ond oni isho cael y casgliad cychwynol yma i ddechrau gan fod o'n steil chydig gwahanol i'r arfer, mwy rhydd a tebyg i fy ngwaith braslyfr i. Gobeithio bod chi'n licio nhw! 💖

My new collection of prints is now up for sale in my online shop - click here! Here's the new collection I've been working on over the past year. I've been going back and forth with them (as I didn't want to rush them), and creating a lot in my sketchbooks and using elements from there for these pieces. I'll be adding more over time, but I wanted to get this initial collection together first as it's a slightly different style to my other prints, a little more loose and more similar to my sketchbook work. I hope you like them! 💖