Anna Gwenllian

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Mae’r Nadolig ar y ffordd🎅🏼 Christmas is on its way🎄

Sut wyt ti? Mae’r Nadolig ar y ffordd, felly onin meddwl fyswn i’n rhannu cwpwl o bethau newydd a Nadoligaidd sydd gena i ar gael, a hefyd rhannu syniadau ar gyfer anrhegion Nadolig a stocking fillers! Grabiwch banad a mwynhewch y blog post Nadoligaidd yma…

How are you? Christmas is on its way so I thought I’d share a couple of new and Christmassy items I have, and also share some Christmas gift ideas with you. So grab a panad and enjoy my little Christmassy blog post…

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Roedd y tags yma yn boblogaidd dros ben blwyddyn diwethaf hefyd… Mae nhw wedi ei neud o stoc cerdyn wedi’i ailgylchu, a dwi wedi mynd am gortyn o well ansawdd tro yma, un 100% twine jute naturiol… rili lyfli! Pecyn cymysg o 4 ydyn nhw, efo dyluniad: carw, robin goch, arth wen, a pengwin!🎄Archebwch YMA!

These gift tags were so popular last year too… They’re made from recycled card stock, and I’ve updated the string it had to a beautiful more rustic 100% twine natural jute… really lovely! They’re a mix pack of 4, with these designs: stag, robin, polar bear, and a penguin! 🎄Purchase HERE!

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Yn cario ‘mlaen efo’r un thema, mae genai’r cardiau Nadolig Cymraeg yn ol! Wedi’i neud o stoc cerdyn wedi’i ailgylchu, mae gena i 6 dyluniad gwahanol ar gael, sef: carw, robin goch, arth wen, pengwin, sgwarnog, caban yn y goedwig. Ar gael fel un neu pecyn o 6, mae’n bosib hefyd i gael pecyn o 6 o cymysgedd o pob dyluniad, os dachi methu dewis un 😉 
Gwelwch y cardiau a’r holl gasgliad Nadolig YMA!

Keeping with the same theme, I have these Christmas cards back in stock! Made from recycled card stock, I have 6 designs to choose from: stag, robin, polar beaer, penguin, hare, cabin in the woods. Available as a single card or pack of 6, and also a mixed pack of 6 - one in each design - if you can’t choose just one 😉 
See all the cards available in the Christmas collection 

Syniadau anrhegion, i’r hosan nadolig, Santa cudd a mwy…
Gift ideas, for stocking fillers, secret Santa and more…

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Mae’r tshirt unisex yma’n newydd y flwyddyn hon! Mae wedi gael ei screen-printio yn lleol efo incs eco-gyfeillgar, a mae’r tshirt ei hun yn climate neutral. Mae o hefyd mor feddal a lliw lyfli, efo fy narlun manwl i o Blodeuwedd 🌸 Steil a fit y tshirts yma ydi ‘mens regular’ ond os dachi ddim yn siwr, anfonwch neges i mi a mi nai helpu chi ffindio y fit perffaith! Archebwch YMA!

This unisex tshirt is new this year! It’s been locally screen-printed using eco-friendly inks, and the tshirt itself is climate neutral. It’s so soft and a beautiful colour, with my intricate illustration of Blodeuwedd 🌸 The style and fit of the tshirts is a ‘mens regular’ but if you’re unsure on size, send me a message and I’ll help you find the perfect fit! Purchase HERE!

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Ma’r prints bach A5 yma yn gallu neud gymaint o wahaniath i wal, bwrdd ochr, neu silff, ac ar ben hynny - ma nhw’n bris rhesymol am dim ond £9! 😉🎅🏼

These A5 sized small prints can make a big imact to a wall, side table, or shelf, and on top of that - they’re only £9! 😉🎅🏼

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…Wbeth bach arall sy’n berffaith fel anrheg hosan Nadolig neu Santa cudd ydi’r llyfrau Nodiadau hynod del yma! Mae nhw wedi’i neud o bapur a cerdyn wedi’i ailgylchu hefyd ♻️

… Another little something that’s a perfect stocking filler or secret Santa gift are these really pretty notebooks! They’re made from recycled paper and card stock♻️

A dyna ni am tro yma, diolch am ddarllen fyny at fama - tan tro nesa ☺️

And that’s it for this time, thank you for reading up to here - until the next time ☺️