GREAT Cormorants!

I actually made these a couple weeks ago but only now getting round to blog posting about them, sooozzzz my bad! I was reminded to make this post cos I actually saw a Great Cormorant a couple of days ago. It was bootifuuullll! It was a juvenile though I think cos his chest was white. He was sunbathing then he went fishing in the water! It was amazing for how long it would stay underneath the water, and how far he could travel under the water.

ANYWAY that's enough on that. I'd like to draw more of these, so I'll get round to that in my new bigger square sketchbook, which I finally found! It's just a plain hardback black cartridge paper one, bout 8"x8" so i'm looking forward to filling it up with birdie wirdies!

Laters alligatorsss xxx

I need your help with business cards!

I've been staring at these for so long I don't even know if they look ok anymore! I keep looking at them thinking, is the font ok? Is the image ok or should I use a different one? Should I just keep the font all the same on the front?! Bah I'm stuck! Which is why I need your help, I need another pair of eyes :)

Which do you prefer? Any suggestions are welcome (more than welcome, it would be great!)

xxxTHANK YOU!xxx

raving ravens!

I've been drawing a lot of birds recently (more than usual!) and last week I started doing a lot of ravens (no reason in particular I just like 'em). I like making more than one drawing of a bird, because they're always different, and I like drawing them sitting, flying, close ups etc.! I've decided to start making a book/sketchbook of birds like this... so for each double page there'll be one bird, and maybe more I don't know I'll see how it goes! But I'll let you know when I've started cos I need a nice sketchbook first!

Next post I need your help about business cards for me, I've started to design some but can't decide on which design or what background!!!

Anyhoo, I hope you're all having a lovely weekend :)


mail art!

When I got back from France Sunday eve, I was so happy to get back to this little package! I was so tired, but when I saw this I rushed to open it and see what little treats were inside, and I was thrilled! This mail art is the first ever mail art I've had and it's from the lovely Jessica Gowling (@jessicagowling) all the way from Canada. THANK YOU JESS!!! x

That's better!
Loadsa treats, yay!

I feel so inspired from this now, and I can't wait to make a little package ready to send back. I've already started collecting and making things! This will be my first ever one to send out too. Yay for mail art!! :)


Last week I was on holiday in the middle (ish) of France, and I got back Sunday night. I was so tired, I still am, very carlagged and ferrylagged. If you can have jetlagged you can have the others...right?! I mainly relaxed, laid out in the sun, go for walks, eat, and visited a zoo! Which you can tell from the photos... 
le om nom nom!

tiny frog!
One day we went to this lake and I noticed something small on the ground, at first I thought it was a bug but closer I got I realised it was a tiny frog! Then I started seeing them all around me, they were everywhere! I was trying not to stand on them. You can see how small they were from the scale of the clovers.

a chateaux nearby!

even the signposts have flowers ahhh!

too fast for me
This li'l duckling was at the zoo walking about  with his mum (I assume) and it was running around my feet tweeting and looking for food! I tried taking photos but it was too quick and I gave up to just look at him. Then he tried to eat my laces on my ballet pumps! TOO MUCH CUTENESS!!!
monkeys eating leaves from a branch a zookeeper threw in

a green macaw!

family of giraffes

monkey news!!!
This little monkey was roaming around the park by itself (it was allowed to, and there were others too) and it was on the fence of the meerkat pen, you can see a meerkat in the background. I saw another one stealing fruit from a parrot!

le mont st michel
Stopped by the beach on the way back to go look at le mont st michel in the distance! So pretty.

le fox!
I saw it pounce at something and first of all I thought it was a cat (it was far away as you can see!) but then realised it was a fox! So much animals and birds... bah!

super cuuute!
I think this was a juvenile house sparrow, it was just staying around our feet in the outdoor cafe at the zoo. There were loads of house sparrows there eating off the tables and narrowly missing our heads!

I saw (and heard) loads of birds  when I was there and tried to sketch them afterwards from memory with some notes, so obviously not brilliant ones! I'm still trying to figure out what a couple of them were... I also heard this craaazy loud noise, first of all I thought it was a stable full of ducks on a farm nearby, then thought there was a large cage with exotic birds. After going the zoo, I heard the noise there again, and found out it was the frogs! They were louder than the animals there and they weren't even big ones. LOLZZZ!
ferry on the way back, bleugh!!!
Ahhh, there you go! It's difficult to pick which photos to put up here, I've got loads so I'll post more on my tumblr! Teehee :)

Stop! Collaborate and listen. (Collaborative Project)

This is a collaboration I did with illustrator Bruce Parker ( over the last few weeks. This was the first collaboration I did, so it was a bit scary! I found it a bit difficult at the beginning trying to work around an illustration that is in a completely different style to mine. But once I got thinking, brainstorming, and sketching, it became easier. It was a challenge, but it was a good way to start working and thinking in different ways! I think they've turned out really well :) Now that I've done some I'd love to make some more!

If anyone else is interested in collaborating, let me know :)


sparrows and castles

 I drew this little birdie the other night. There's a sparrow nest in the roof next door, and we can see it flying from there to our garden to pick up the bird seed we put out, going back and forth to its nest every day. And she now uses the bird bath I put out, eee (a tray with water, not fancy y'know)!!!

This is the castle that I started drawing but realised I was running out of space because the castle was so long (see previous post)! So anyways, I finished it off today. I've noticed that I've kindof got two different drawing styles going on, which you can see here from the two drawings! Is this normal!? I like to exercise 'real-life' drawing, or 'looking-like-it-actually-is' drawing... I don't know what it's called! Anyway, I like to do that every now and then just for exercise so I don't get crap really.


my castles brings all the boys to the yard

I've started drawing castles... at the moment castles in Wales, so I started off with this one - Caernarfon castle. I wanted to just draw the castle without the buildings and stuff around it, to keep it simple. But I'll draw more castles (including this one) with the stuff surrounding it, and without. I want to experiment with colour with this one next, so I'll blog about it when I'm done (omg I'm blogging!!!).

This was my first attempt, but the castle was longer than I expected and the page wasn't long enough (DAMMIT!). I'll finish this one, but I'll fill in the surrounding areas too, otherwise it'll look weird just popping out of the page. So next week I'm going to draw a lot of castles hopefully (amongst other things), or the same ones over and over til it's right!

If there's anything I could do to improve it etc, I'd love to hear your thoughts :)
