I usually put bright colours in digitally, or if I use watercolours then I'll paint them in their true colours! So I wanted to test something out by putting in the colours first and with gouache watercolour. I'm really happy with how it's turned out, colour-wise and sketch-wise (is that a word?!). I feel like I'm getting back to my own sketch-style (making up words now...). I felt like I was drifting off, trying to draw in a different style, but it wasn't my strong point and I feel more confident and happier drawing like this! So I'm looking forward to more colourful painting and drawing now :)
Dwi fel arfer yn rhoi lliwiau llachar i fewn ar y cyfrifiadur, neu os ydw i yn defnyddio dyfrliwiau nai beintio nhw yn eu lliwiau iawn! So on i isho testio wbeth allan wrth rhoi lliwiau fewn gynta ac efo dyfrlliw gouache. Dwi'n hapus efo sut mae o di troi allan, efo'r lliw a'r llun. Dwi'n teimlo fel bod fi'n mynd nol i steil llunio'n hun, on i'n teimlo fel bod fi'n drifftio off, trio llunio mewn steil gwahanol, ond dim cryfder fi oedd o a dwi'n teimlo lot mwy hyderus a hapus yn neud lluniau fel hyn! So dwi'n edrych ymlaen i neud mwy o lluniau lliwgar rwan :)
Hwyl x