Diner #wip

photo 4.JPG

Dyma darn nes i yn ddiweddar, gwaith personol, dim ar gyfer dim byd na comisiwn i neb. On i'n hapus efo sut nath o droi allan, so dwi di dewis ychwanegu lliw idda fo. Unwaith fydda i di gorffen y lliw yn iawn dwi'n meddwl rhoi hein fyny fel prints yn siop fi... ella fel prints bach A5, gawn ni weld!

Here's a piece I made recently, just personal work, not for anything or anyone. I'm happy with how it turned out so I decided to add some colour into it. Once I've finished the colour properly, I think I'll put them up in my shop to sell as prints... maybe mini A5 prints, we'll see!