Ychydig o fisoedd yn ol (blwyddyn dwetha erbyn rwan!) nath fy nghyfnither i Mari ofyn i fi greu cardiau priodas. Dwi rioed di neud rhywbeth fel ma o blaen, ond ar ol neud bob dim oni di mwynhau fy hun a swni'n licio neud wbeth fel yma eto. Oedd gen Mari syniad o be odd hi isho i'r gwaith i gyd edrych fel, felly oni jest angen dod a popeth at ei gilydd, a dyma oedd y canlyniad terfynol!
A few months ago (last year by now!) my cousin Mari asked me to create stationery for her wedding. I'd never done something like this before, but I've really enjoyed and would love to do something like this again. Mari had an idea of what she wanted everything to look like, so I just needed to bring everything together and this was the finished result!
A few months ago (last year by now!) my cousin Mari asked me to create stationery for her wedding. I'd never done something like this before, but I've really enjoyed and would love to do something like this again. Mari had an idea of what she wanted everything to look like, so I just needed to bring everything together and this was the finished result!
Trefn y Gwasanaeth, blaen / Order of Service, front |
Trefn y Gwasanaeth, tu mewn / Order of Service, inside |
Gwahoddiad Cymraeg / Welsh Invitation |
Gwahoddiad Cymraeg / Welsh Invitation |
Gwahoddiad Cymraeg, y cefn / Welsh Invitation, the back |
Gwahoddiad Saesneg / English Invitation |
Gwahoddiad Saesneg, y cefn / English Invitation, the back |
Cardiau Enwau / Name cards |
Cardiau Enwau gwag / Blank name card |
Llun gen Gruff Lovgreen. Photo by Gruff Lovgreen. |
Cynllun Byrddau / Table Plan Llun gen Gruff Lovgreen. Photo by Gruff Lovgreen. |
Enwau'r Byrddau / Table Names |
Llun gen Gruff Lovgreen. Photo by Gruff Lovgreen. |
Os fysech chi'n licio gwbod mwy o wybodaeth, gadewch sylwadau odanodd ne ebostiwch fi anna@annagwenllian.com
Diolch! x
Diolch! x
If you'd like to know more information, leave a comment below or e-mail me at anna@annagwenllian.com
Thank you! x