Priodas! Wedding!

Ychydig o fisoedd yn ol (blwyddyn dwetha erbyn rwan!) nath fy nghyfnither i Mari ofyn i fi greu cardiau priodas. Dwi rioed di neud rhywbeth fel ma o blaen, ond ar ol neud bob dim oni di mwynhau fy hun a swni'n licio neud wbeth fel yma eto. Oedd gen Mari syniad o be odd hi isho i'r gwaith i gyd edrych fel, felly oni jest angen dod a popeth at ei gilydd, a dyma oedd y canlyniad terfynol!

A few months ago (last year by now!) my cousin Mari asked me to create stationery for her wedding. I'd never done something like this before, but I've really enjoyed and would love to do something like this again. Mari had an idea of what she wanted everything to look like, so I just needed to bring everything together and this was the finished result!

Trefn y Gwasanaeth, blaen / Order of Service, front

Trefn y Gwasanaeth, tu mewn / Order of Service, inside

Gwahoddiad Cymraeg / Welsh Invitation
Gwahoddiad Cymraeg / Welsh Invitation

Gwahoddiad Cymraeg, y cefn / Welsh Invitation, the back

Gwahoddiad Saesneg / English Invitation
Gwahoddiad Saesneg, y cefn / English Invitation, the back

Cardiau Enwau / Name cards

Cardiau Enwau gwag / Blank name card

Llun gen Gruff Lovgreen. Photo by Gruff Lovgreen.
Cynllun Byrddau / Table Plan
Llun gen Gruff Lovgreen. Photo by Gruff Lovgreen.
Enwau'r Byrddau / Table Names
Llun gen Gruff Lovgreen. Photo by Gruff Lovgreen.
Os fysech chi'n licio gwbod mwy o wybodaeth, gadewch sylwadau odanodd ne ebostiwch fi
Diolch! x
If you'd like to know more information, leave a comment below or e-mail me at
Thank you! x

Pointe Blank exhibition!

My piece for the Pointe Blank exhibition

I was asked to take part in this brilliant exhibition, which was up last week as part of Cardiff Design festival in Milkwood Gallery, Roath (Cardiff!). We were asked to produce a piece of work based on the original Russian folk tale of Swan Lake, rather than the ballet, and this is what I made. Take a look at all the other brilliant pieces on the website Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it down to Cardiff to see the exhibition in person so I don't have any photos, but there are some photos from the opening night up on the Pointe Blank blog


Trip to Rocher des Aigles in France!

I've been meaning to post these photos up for a while now. These are just some of the photos I took when I visited a place called Rocher des Aigles in Rocamadour, France, whilst on holidays there in June. It was amazing!

Wedi bod eisiau rhoi y lluniau yma fyny es dipyn rwan. Dyma jyst rhai o'r lluniau nes i dynnu pan nes i ymweld a lle o'r enw Rocher des Aigles ym Rocamadour, Ffrainc, tra ar wyliau yno yn Mehefin. Odd o'n amazing!


Aderyn y To / House Sparrow

Llinos Werdd / Greenfinch

Nico / Goldfinch

Titw Tomos Las / Blue Tit
Ok, so a Blue Tit is not a finch it's a tit, but I made it before deciding on making a 'finch print' or drawing a collection of finches! But my next bird drawing collection will be tits (lol @ tits) so I've already made a Blue tit in preparation for it! Anyway, I made these on cartridge paper using pencil and colour in Gouache. I think I prefer gouache to watercolour, it's more pigmented and colourful. I just looove colour :)

Anyway, I hope you're all having a fabulous 4-day-weekend :) xxx

I'm on instagram @annagwenllian

Follow me on twitter @AnnaGwenllian

Work in Progress / Gwaith ar ei hanner

Gylfinbraff / Hawfinch

Ji Binc / Chaffinch

Coch y Berllan / Bullfinch

These are birds I've been drawing recently (more to show you soon) which I want to make into print soon, and other various things! I love drawing birds, I think birds and architecture are my favourite subjects but I just love drawing in general :)

With making a print, I wasn't sure if I should use one bird and repeat, or should I use all the birds (there are another three to add to these, making it 6 birdies [all finches] in total) into one print?

I started this drawing a while ago, and when going through old magazines came across this in the middle! Lucky that I didn't just throw the  magazine out. So I'm looking forward to finishing this and showing you again soon. Hopefully I won't leave my blogging as long as last time. I'm hoping to blog once a week or fortnight now :)

I took these photos on instagram if you want to follow me @AnnaGwenllian

Commission / Comisiwn

Dyma darn nes i fel comisiwn cyn y Nadolig, a mond rwan dwi'n blogio am y peth! Dwi'n hapus iawn efo sut mae o wedi troi allan a dwi'n gobeithio bod y person sydd efo fo'n hapus hefyd!

This is a piece I made as a commission just before Christmas and I'm only now coming around to blogging about it! I'm very happy with the outcome and I hope the person who has it now is happy too!

Mail Art to Jessica Gowling!

This is the mail art I sent to Jess (twitter @jessicagowling - a while ago! I'm only now getting round to showing what I sent! This was the second mail art I've sent Jess, and I think I'm getting better...well I hope I am :) but I'm enjoying doing it and I hope Jess likes my mail art treats, cos I enjoy getting hers, heeheehee!


Mail Art from Harriet Gray and Luke Waller ! ! !

Zine from Luke Waller

other side of the zine

business card with shiny crown!

authoritative kitty! and a hiding birdie :)

cuuuute kitty


what I got in the lucky dip from Harriet Gray


I got these two beautiful mail art from Harriet Gray ( and Luke Waller ( a few weeks ago but been so busy that it's only now I've been able to blog about it!!

I got this amazing zine from Luke, it's brilliant, wowza!! This will definitely be going up on the wall, hee hee. And I got this beautifully brilliant lucky dip from Harriet with a greeting card which I should probably use and give to someone but I might be selfish and put it up on my wall too! Now I just need to find somewhere to put her stickers...


'When We Were Young' exhibition (opening soon!)

My pieces framed and already sent up to the exhibition up in Newcastle, which previews on December 1st, eee exciting!

The Birds

The Tree House

The Board Games
Here are the posters, three different designs, for the exhibition.

Poster design 1 by SAUL

Poster design 2 by German Orozco
Poster design 3 by Meee!
Yay! How exciting! This exhibition is curated by Bruce Parker ( which features international artists to create piece(s) to the theme 'When We Were Young', and I'm one of those artists eeee!!!

If you are around Newcastle on the preview night, 6pm-8:30pm December 1st, or between the preview and January 7th 2012, then get down to  La Boca Art Cafe to see the 'When We Were Young' exhibition.


I won Anna Jane Searle's Giveaway prize, yipee!

the packaging unfortunately didn't make it...!

I found Cauldron Snout!

The brilliant illustrator Anna Jane Searle was holding a giveaway on her blog (check her awesome blog out HERE!) which I entered amongst many others. And guess what? I was the lucky one who won!!! As you can see! 

Aren't these AMAZING!!!! I was, and still am, so happy when this arrived on Thursday! I carefully tried to open this box for ages because the wrapping was a beautiful map, but it started to rip, then some more and in the end I couldn't wait to open it so I just had to rip it open! So beautiful, and so delicate. The inside of the box is absoloutely stunning, beautiful colours and so intricate! I think my favourite is the Amethyst Crystal. But they're all brilliant :D Thank you Anna!


Eeeee new mail art from Jessica Gowling!

look at the cute snowy owl!

silver wood-effect lined envelope, ahhhh!


this was on the other side of the Gnu card (above, top left) tee hee :p
i LOVE these birdie cards, too cuuute!

six! there are six bunnies! and one bear...

porcupine!! is it?

le pretty stag!

beautiful feather piece with William Shakespeare quote, thank you Jess!

You might've seen my other blog posts about mail art to and from Jessica Gowling (twitter @JessicaGowling, see her blog HERE!) and here's her mail art to me this time! Isn't it preeeettyful?! So much beautiful stuff, and very detailed. I love it :)

Thank you so much for this beautiful mail art Jess, it's gorgeous! Now I need to find a frame for the feather piece and the stag! It's my turn next to send something :) and after this I'm feeling very inspired! And a massive congratulations to you on your engagement, very happy for you! Paaaartay!


Mail art to Jessica Gowling (My first ever mail art)!

mail art to Jessica Gowling
print, postcard, stickers, stamps, tags


Yipee! I finally made my first ever mail art to Jessica Gowling (go check out her beautiful blog and twitter @JessicaGowling) ! I hope you like it Jess :) it's taken me quite a while actually to make this and collect pretty things for it :-/  hopefully next time I won't take as long and it will be better, once I get into the swing of things! Maybe then I can start making mail-art to more people... but at the moment I'm happy with just making and sending mail art to Jess :p


stuff i got printeds in stuff!

pocket mirrors!

teeny business cards!

stickers! blurry photo, oops!

Yipee! My pocket mirrors arrived today from Awesome Merchandise, so I thought I'd blog to show you them and also my moo order I got a couple weeks ago. These will be added to my shop soon, when I can officially open my shop! (since there isn't anything there at the minute...) Wiii!!
